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Branding is more than just a logo or a tagline; it's the entire way a company does business.
​Logos and taglines are the elements people most commonly associate with branding. They offer prospects a single image and concept with which to define the company. But branding efforts that fail to focus on the other elements of sales and distribution quickly sabotage any initial successes.
True branding is integrated into every aspect of the company. It delivers a message to prospective buyers on what they can expect, and to employee on how they should perform their role within the company.

Transforming a very generic name into a powerful brand
It's hard to imagine a name more generic than First Financial Bank. That's especially true when your closest competition is another local bank named First National Bank.
​I created the tagline Expect The Extraordinary and completed the integration into the logo. That was followed by a complete redesign of the graphics standards and framing used for all advertising, collateral, posters and web pages.
​​Next, I worked to integrate Extraordinary into every part of the bank, with internal and external customers. This effort included internal communications updates distributed to all employees and was a focus of all marketing and operational aspects of programs. Internal education played a significant role in implementation and getting everyone at every level to embrace the approach.

Updating a company image for the target market was missing
The homebuilder had changed a lot since its beginnings in 1978. Their market was now first-time and first-moveup homebuyers, typically age 27-44. And while even the way people today buy homes had changed, their branding hadn't. They used an outdated graphic of an old-fashioned bicycle with a front basket; their logo was a string of words in the plainest type possible.
I started with an eight page creative brief outlining incomes, ages and other demographics on potential buyers. A full color logo was designed to better appeal to the target audience. Green was retained from the old logo both for recognition and it's implications to home buyers. Full color was added and used everywhere. Taglines were tested on management and one was selected for use. Although deceptively simple, Welcome Home positioned the builder positively against the competitors.

Creating a big presence in a highly competitive market
EVSCO faced an identity crisis. Two of its products had name recognition among older veterinarians. But the company name was barely known and the packaging had a 1960s medicinal look...hardly competitive with the pharm giants.
First, the logo was transparently redesigned to emphasize the EVSCO name without sacrificing any recognition. A new tagline, The Veterinary Standard, offered an honest and believable positioning within the market for their flagship products. To back the branding, EVSCO heavily publicized the fact that they accepted returns if pets found them unpalatable, which no manufacturer had promoted even if they held the policy. EVSCO rebranded itself as the sole provider of that feature.
Products were recategorized and labels modified to match pre-established conventions within the industry and commonly used by the veterinarians. EVSCO incorporated comparison charts on all detail sheets so distributors and veterinarians could better understand the different products and their benefits relative to compeitor products.